I, in fact, had read the story in the Times and was right there for the gathering just this past Friday night. Meghan, writer of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme was co-hosting and was on WYPR discussing the Miracle Fruit
The Experiment:
There were a number of us bloggers gathered at Roopa’s Mt. Vernon apartment. She spent a great deal of time putting together food items to taste; plates of citrus, pickles, cheeses, vinegars, hot sauces, beer, unsweetened tea – one blogger brought a can of artichoke soda that was already sweet so when tasted sweetness was cloying.We were to coat our tongues for about 30 seconds with the berry and I actually felt a tingle or numbing on the tip of the tongue. Most of us went immediately for the lemon and grapefruit which rather than being sour were a sweet tart. The vinegars were sweet, the hot sauce if it was sweeter I didn’t notice because the heat took over. The pickled items took on the “sweet bread & butter pickle” flavor profile.
I squeezed straight lemon juice in water and it tasted like lemonade and the ice tea, unsweetened tasted bitter but once I squeezed citrus in the tea it tasted sweet. So for me, it didn’t alter bitter it only altered the tart items. I could munch on a fresh piece of rhubarb with no wincing.
The Bloggers:
Here are the bloggers and their links:Baltimore Snacker http://baltimoresnacker.blogspot.com/2008/06/miracle-fruit-party.html
Pigtown-Pigout http://pigtown-pigout.blogspot.com/2008/06/its-miracle.html
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme http://culinarynovice.blogspot.com/
Black Coffee and Donut http://blackcoffeeandadonut.com/Kitchenography http://kitchenography.typepad.com/
Strawberries in Paris http://strawberriesinparis.wordpress.com/
Along with our food bloggers from Baltimore, Rob Kasper of the Sunpapers attended as well. ttp://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/custom/today/bal-columnist-kasper,0,6430018.columnist
In conclusion:
My tongue was challenged, tainted and taunted - it has fully recovered.
What a great time we all had! Thanks to Roopa for doing the hard work and what a great meeting of Baltimore Food Bloggers!
For more recipes visit this site Miracle Fruit World Enjoy and have fun;)
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