
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spanish Paella Day

Paella flashback! In honor of today being Spanish Paella Day I submit to you, for your review, a paella I made for 40 people back in the days I worked in the kitchen at the Center for Hellenic Studies. Tapped into my big supply of saffron*, homemade chicken stock and went for it. chicken, shrimp, mussel - no peas, why - because I don't like peas. The pan was so heavy that someone had to lift it to the buffet. Success was gauged by the two Spanish women who worked there who said it was one of the best paellas they had ever had. I think they were kissing up so they could take leftovers home with them. I don't believe I've made paella since.

*From my days working at Vanns Spices.

Have you made paella, if so, what do you like to put in your paella?

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