
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Taste of the Nation Maryland - Share Our Strength - No Kid Hungry

Yes, every time you turn around there is another fundraiser featuring multiple restaurants serving food and bartenders or vintners serving drinks. What makes this one different, well, Share Our Strength – Taste of the Nation Maryland is the mother to No Kid Hungry, a campaign that is core to the culinary industry and does its best to ensure that all children in America get the healthy food they need, every day.  

I’ve was on the committee, oh about 20 years ago when events like this were far and few between. We held it at the Convention Center and Maryland State Fairgrounds and turnout was about 600 guests. That isn’t the case anymore, but it doesn’t make this cause any less worthy or enjoyable.

Learn more, enjoy the video and see how you can enjoy an evening out wining and dining HERE.

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