
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Got Milk? A dairy farm, happy Jersey cows and Field to Fork

 It’s been just over two weeks since my husband and me were invited and enjoyed the Field to Fork Dinner at St. Bridgid’s Farm in Kennedyville, Maryland. We were guests of the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association ( who partnered with St. Brigid’s Farm to support the Maryland and Capital Area Food Banks with their sixth annual Field to Fork Dinner charity dinner.

I am not sure I have ever been to a dairy farm, possibly in elementary school but that was way long ago and too many of my memory cells are gone. It was a lovely weather day to drive across the Bay Bridge and to the northern realms of the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  We parked the car in the designated field and as walked up to a paddock, the Jersey cows rushed to the railing to greet us. They truly seemed happy, wanting to welcome us. I know that sounds silly but that was my impression.


Enjoy the video, slideshow and full story HERE.

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