
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Patrón Secret Dining Society speeds into Baltimore’s Grand Prix

   Patrón Tequila, considered the world’s ultra premium tequila, created the Patrón Social Club and any person of legal drinking age can join. It is through the Patrón Social Club one has an opportunity to vie for a seat at their pop-up Patrón Secret Dining Society events. Trust me when I say they are well worth vying for a spot.  If you are lucky enough to be one of 20 plus people chosen, you’ll be enjoy an evening of creative food styling from a regional chef to one of the city’s leading mixologist who will create cocktails with any one of the Patrón top shelf tequilas. Price of admission - FREE.

Prior to the green flag being waived to kick off Baltimore’s Grand Prix racing, Patrón sent out emails notifying members of their Social Club advising of a Secret Dining Society dinner to be held the night prior to the Grand Prix races. Those whose itineraries worked with the date and time answered a question to be in que for the coveted spaces.  They know not where the evening’s festivities will be held, where to meet, who the chef and mixologist will be. It becomes a treasure hunt atmosphere with clues along the way.    

Watch the video, enjoy slideshow with additional photographs and read the full story HERE.

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