
Saturday, October 10, 2009

H1N1, restaurants and Elmo

I’m in a line at a fast food restaurant when the cashier opens up the top of her shirt puts her face in it and sneezes. What I thought was disgusting was really much better than her sneezing out into the public space. I guess she never watched Elmo on where one should sneeze. Now with concerns running high with the Swine flu pandemic, restaurateurs are reinforcing the proper way of washing hands in hot water for 20 seconds, to sneeze into the crook of their arms and if you are sick-don’t come to work.

Read the full story and watch videos:
H1N1, restaurants and Elmo

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1 comment:

  1. That's about as sick as the one bread girl I saw at my local Panera Bread a while back who (honest to God) LICKED HER HAND before she grabbed her gloves. Blekhkhkh, gloves or not that is nasty. <:p

    BTW, congrats on coming in at #1 on the Mobbies!
