
Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 Top 5 Dining Examiner stories

Pearl S. Buck said, “One faces the future with one’s past.” I look to 2009 with a review of my favorite posts in 2008, my top 5, and leave the top 10 to David Letterman.

Is there such a thing as too many desserts? - I chose this story because it is every foodie’s dream to dine at a world renowned restaurant, to have cache in the kitchen with the celebrity pastry chef and be treated like someone special. Though this took place a number of years ago, it is my favorite restaurant memory.

Shark repellent alla Julia Child - Here was an opportunity to inform you of untold stories about Julia Child, as shared with me by the producer of a number of her television series. Also my experience sharing a table with Julia at her first crab feast.

Chef Barbara Tropp rediscovered - This was my salute to a ground breaking chef from San Francisco who died too early. Her husband, Bart Rhoades, shared a recently found uncompleted/unpublished story she was writing for Bon Appetit. She was a leading expert in Chinese food and forerunner in her philosophies of what we should eat. This story will lend insight into the passion of a chef.

2. Overwhelmed in the Wildwood food triangle - This is my foodie “ah ha” moment, a moment for the hereafter and for the here-and-now, a recipe for one of life’s best sandwiches.

1. Two views from one table - A unique evening with the Food Examiner and I, the Dining Examiner, having dinner together and each of us writing about our view of the evening and the food. The restaurant, Bicycle, was a great back drop and good food. The story has a link to Juliette Goodwin’s view of the evening, it has video and photographs. As they say, and who the h*ll knows who “they” are, there are always two sides to a story.

Do you have a favorite Dining Examiner story, if so; I would LOVE to know which tickled your gastronomic fancy?

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