
Monday, July 07, 2008

Green Bananas

A picture speaks louder than words. I have never seen an entire display of bananas that were all green, so green, that I thought Kermit was hiding amongst them. Nere one had the blush of yellow. I pulled out the trusty Kodak to capture this moment, just so I could share.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you've never had green bananas. They are quite delicious. In Puerto Rico we make what's known as "Guineitos en Escabeche". Some consider it an appetizer or a snack. You boil the bananas, cut them into little cylinders or rings, then mix them with olive oil, vinegar, pepper corns, bay leaves, garlic, salt, onion. I like them served a bit chilled. In Latino stores or Big Boys (Lexington Market) you'll always find green bananas. I'll get you some Guineitos some day.
